
(as of January 12, 2014)

First of all, thank you for reading my blog! I am so glad that you are here, hopefully being entertained. While most of the blogs that I follow don’t include a disclaimer, I’ve come across a few recommendations that it’s a good thing to do. Since I’m a rule-follower, I’ve decided that I’d craft my terms and conditions in anticipation that one day my blog will become an internet sensation. Please don’t hold your breath…

And, please do not:
  1. Plagiarize my blog (including my posts or any guest posts).*
  2. Use photographs from my blog.*
  3. Take what I’ve said as the ultimate truth. This blog is for entertainment purposes only. I do not provide legal, medical, or any professional advice. Again, anything that I have written is my personal opinion, which is definitely far from any ultimate truth. Please know that, like those car commercials where the car is flying though the air or doing any other death-defying stunt, you are reading my blog at. your. own. risk. I really hope that no one is forcing you to read my blog (unless you are my husband…and I’m demanding feedback). Since you are here of your own will, you also are free to leave if you don’t like what I’ve written or posted. No hard feelings.
  4. Be dismayed if one day I decide to stop blogging or change the focus of my blog. See #3 for further information.
*(I’d love it if you enjoy my writing so much that you want to link back to my blog. But, that’s the only way to share fairly on the world wide web. Please feel free to share by acknowledging me with a link to the original writing/photography. Unless I’ve noted otherwise, I wrote all posts and took all photographs.)

I’d love to publically acknowledge the helpful advice written by The Travel Tester on writing a disclaimer. 

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