In April, I kept thinking that May was going to be a month of change. I was going to Set Goals! (probably too many) and Establish Routines! No pressure. Then I realized a week in that May was happening, and I had forgotten about my grand plans. Whoops. Life in between the piles...
8 minutes after midnight |
After I wrote
this post, I made it to bed after midnight. Unlike how I sometimes respond when I've made a plan and fall short, I decided to challenge myself and aim to go to bed earlier the next night. Even if only by a few minutes. I met that goal (woot woot!) last night. So silly that a little goal like that makes me smile, but hey, life's more joyful when joy is found in the little things.
23 hours 36 minutes later |
Then I realized that I had left some goals off of my list. (Because really, can you have too many goals & make too many changes in a month?) Why, no.
Here's my full list...(until I realize that I forgot to include something):
1. Go to bed earlier (before midnight, at the least)
2. Drink more water - I've been having throat issues and cramping legs which I'm thinking just possibly could be because I don't drink enough water. Especially since I live in the desert. It's at least worth a try. Bottoms up.
3. Exercise on my days off - I've been dormant for way. too. long. I had back problems last fall, and I've been nervous to start working out again...the last time I went for a run, I aggravated my back again...just maybe because I was neglecting my home exercise routine created by a physical therapist to help strengthen my core. Maybe. Since that run, I've somehow stopped attempting to exercise at all. Yes, I've been better about doing at least one back exercise a day, but I think I need to up the ante. Just a little bit. My goal is to walk on my days off (ideally) and/or do a little Wii Fit, and my core strengthening. Yesterday I managed to do a few core exercises, a little Wii boxing, and walk. Today I worked. Tomorrow I work. I'll attack again on Saturday.