I LOVE reading birth stories. Since I’m newer to the world of
blogging, I never shared Miss S’s birth story beyond my friends and family. I
can’t believe she’s going to be 3 tomorrow. This post is all about the last 24
hours BK for Karl and me.
**I want to acknowledge that I’ve learned a lot about births and pregnancies through friends’ experiences over the last 3 years. I know that our early arrival went smoothly, but I know that isn’t always the end of the story (or the arrival can happen a LOT earlier). I know mamas who have had their water break at 18 weeks, 21 weeks…I know mamas who have delivered a full-term baby after an ultrasound couldn’t detect a heart beat…and other mamas who have had their lives shattered when their babies have passed away…If you have experienced any of these situations, I am so, so sorry. I understand if you can’t read any further. I will never comprehend “why” one pregnancy results in a healthy baby, why some women can’t get pregnant even though it’s their biggest dream, why some babies are born into horrible situations…
I kept warning Karl that it was always possible I could go into
labor early. Let’s say we were both in denial.
The room wasn’t ready.
We didn’t have a crib.
Let’s be honest, we didn’t have much of anything besides 10
weeks of Bradley birthing classes (which was a great experience).
On Sunday and Monday (3/20-3/21), I had a few symptoms of early
labor (which I now know didn’t mean much of anything except that the baby would
arrive sometime in the next few weeks or sooner.)
We were sooner.
Tuesday (3/22) we checked in with my OB. I was having mild
contractions (but again, nothing monumental). My doctor checked me and found
that I was 1 cm dilated. For anyone who has given birth or been pregnant, you
know that you might be 1 cm dilated for a good 4 weeks before giving birth.
Again, as rookies, we were clueless.
My OB’s goal was to get me past 37 weeks, so she wrote a note
for me to take off 9 days from work and to lay low at home. We went home that
day, and I sat on the couch with my feet up while Karl's parents stopped in
(they were visiting from Indiana). Then, I took a nap.
At 5:40, I woke up with a panic because I was pretty darn sure
that my water broke.
When you’re 35 weeks 6 days and taking a Bradley birthing class,
you have plans for going into labor around 39 weeks and having a blissful,
uneventful, unmedicated birth. OK…maybe not really blissful, but Karl and I
hadn’t made it to the class where you talk about what might happen (like if you
don’t make it to 36 weeks).
As the nerds in the class, we decided to take it up a notch and
go for the extra credit. We’d jump ahead and just have the baby already so that
everyone could see how it was done. We didn’t need the 11th and 12th
I called my Bradley instructor. She was great at explaining the
options but that Karl and I should do whatever we felt was right.
Since we were early & it was our first rodeo, we decided to
head to the hospital.
But after shift change.
As a nurse, I knew that arriving at 6:30 pm wasn’t a great plan.
We probably wandered around the house aimlessly while in shock then headed to
the hospital and got there about 8 pm.
The nurse checked me on admission, and I was still only at 1 cm.
Since we hadn’t received the results of the Strep B test, I needed to be hooked
up to antibiotics. Let me just say that one of my least favorite things about
that delivery was that (despite having veins that drug seekers dream about) the
nurse picked a spot right at my wrist to start the IV. I gained a new
appreciation for choosing veins for an IV start. But I digress.
![]() |
Last Pre-Kiddo Picture |
After being monitored for 20 minutes, Karl and I started walking
the halls to attempt to get things moving. We walked the halls. We walked the
stairs (rebels that we were, we left the floor because you can only walk down a
few halls in a hospital before you need a little more variety).
The nurse monitored the baby and me again around 10 pm.
Nothing. Had. Changed.
I really wish I would have had a pedometer because I wonder how
many miles we walked that night.
We walked the halls and stairs and halls and stairs over and
over until midnight.
Since we were exhausted, we somehow managed to fall asleep – I
was on a gurney in triage; Karl was in a hospital chair.
If you ever make it to this point, request a room on the OB
floor. The hospital wouldn’t be sending us home because once the fern test is
positive for amniotic fluid (showing that the gush you experienced was indeed
your water breaking). Again, since we didn’t know any better, we stayed in
The gurney? Not very comfortable.
The plan was that the nurse would recheck my dilation at 2 am.
If I hadn’t made much progress, the doctor had recommended Pitocin to get the
contractions and dilation moving.
At 2 am, I was still only 1 cm.
We felt defeated and exhausted.
Ultimately, Karl and I wanted both the baby and me to be
healthy...but really, really, really were hoping against hope that something
would change in the 4 hours of walking.
My cervix was being stubborn.
The nurse knew she was dealing with novices and those kind of
people who want to do a natural delivery. She probably was thinking, “I’ve
heard it all folks. Whatever. Just get over it. I don’t have time to deal with
your ideal dream of labor. Take the stinkin’ Pitocin, and while you’re at it,
plan on an epidural, too.”
Maybe not, but her response indicated that she didn’t think that
it was rocket science that our OB wanted us to start on Pitocin nor that we
should need to contemplate anything.
What was going on in the back of my head was that I've had friends
who have been given Pitcoin, which then resulted in an epidural because of the
intensity of the contractions...and then the epidural slows things down too
much which leads to a C-section. I really, really, really wanted to avoid that scenario.
At all costs. Except if it wasn’t safe for either the baby or I.
We decided it made the most sense, and the Pitocin was started.
Remember that gurney that I napped on for 2
It’s a lot easier to nap on a gurney than it is to experience
labor with Pitocin (which I’ve learned since can be mild for some women but
most definitely was the opposite of mild for me).
5 ½ hours later (right after shift change), I finally got to
move to a birthing room. About 12 hours after being admitted.
The contractions were getting more intense*
*I wrote the original
version of the birth story while still in the hospital. It might have even been
in the early hours of the morning after Miss S was born. It’s fun re-reading
it. Let’s just say that “getting more intense” was describing it mildly. I
don’t even remember being moved from the triage room to the birthing suite.
I really wanted my dilation checked before moving forward with
an increased dose of Pitocin.
After 5+ hours of Pitocin, I had increased to a measly 3 cm.
I was sure that I was in the transition stage. I’m pretty sure I
was throwing up. It was everything that I thought I’d be like at 7 or 8 cm
dilated. I was emotionally and physically exhausted and now mentally defeated.
Our nurse in the birthing suite was AHMAZING. Amazing.
She was so encouraging and was telling us that getting from 1 cm
to 3 cm is some of the hardest work and that we had made great progress.
Even if it wasn’t really true, it’s exactly what I needed to hear.

Sometime in the next hour, I was finally up to 8 cm, and around
12:15 pm I felt pressure. The nurse said we were good to go and called the
doctor. While we waited for the doctor arrive, the urge to push became something
I could not resist. I had to push. Now. I've heard lots of stories about mamas
being told to wait to push until the doctor arrived, and I was so, so thankful
that our nurse told me to do what I felt like I needed to do. My doctor got
there around 12:40, and our baby girl was born at 12:48 pm.
6 lbs 3 oz, 18 ¼ inches long.

I couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. I was prepared that my
baby might be ugly. I’m 100% serious. I don’t think I was the cutest baby, and
I was ok if my baby looked like a shrunken old man. Instead, I couldn’t believe
that she was ours.
She was so beautiful.
And perfect.
I was head over heels in love.
And, my love for her just keeps growing.
And, my love for her just keeps growing.
I remember that minutes after this scenario, I was standing in line at a Subway sandwich shop selecting the condiments for my order when my cell phone rang. Of course, those customers standing behind me in line were rather irritated that in the middle of choosing those toppings, I was talking on my phone while the precious seconds of their lunch hours or half hours were rushing by. I backed out of line apologizing to the worker as well as those customers that I had to take this call. Once I had the news, I burst out saying, "I have a granddaughter!!" One of the customers said to the worker, "You should congratulate her with a free meal," to which they all agreed. After eating, I immediately walked to a Target store in the same strip mall and purchased over $200.00 worth of baby girl - pink and frilly - items. Eventually, her mom sent much of the merchandise back to the store. I LOVE my 2 older grandsons, but finally having a little girl in the family was a real thrill.