Since I started my blog at the end of 2013, I decided to do the Cliff Notes addition of My Life - 2013 for anyone who might be interested. You'll never have to read the unabridged addition, and you won't be tested on any of the content. No need to write a summary or report, either. While most of it isn't remarkable, I'm learning that sometimes ordinary is more than ok.

February 2013 - Karl's parents were in town for a visit. We cherished all of our time together. February in the desert is such a different beast. I always think of the song "February" by Dar Williams which brings me back to growing up in Illinois. In the desert, the month flies...
March 2013 - We celebrated Miss S's 2nd birthday with a small gathering of friends and family and a Curious George theme. With the help of iPads, Karl's parents were able to join us virtually from Indiana while we sang "Happy Birthday."

May 2013 - We welcomed Mr. C into our lives at the beginning of May. Unlike his big sister (who decided to come four weeks early), Mr. C was 3 days past his due date. Labor went smoothly and uneventfully.
June 2013 - Epic road trip #2 took place as we drove from Arizona to Minnesota with a black lab, a one month old, and a two year old (I'll definitely write about that adventure in another post). We spent the rest of the month in Minnesota with Karl's parents. On June 25, we learned that our house had flooded (in the desert, go figure). Long story short, the supply line to the toilet came loose...and we were thoroughly thankful for insurance.

July 2013 - Miss S went to her first, second, and third parades. Candy, candy, candy (we still have most of it in the cupboard)! After celebrating a 4th of July in Northern Minnesota, we drove to Illinois for a Firemen's Picnic to support an all-volunteer fire department and spend time with cherished friends. We finished the month back in Arizona at a Residence Inn while the work on our house finished. Following six-weeks of traveling, Miss S was off any kind of schedule. Getting back to it was a bit tough, but we made it. I learned more about MRSA and how it isn't as uncommon as you might think. White hotel towels were perfect for the bleach baths we had to give to Miss S. She was a trooper.

August 2013 - We moved back into our house!!! We also were reunited with our cats who had been at a cat resort since the flood. Being home never felt so wonderful. I returned to work after 12 weeks of maternity leave. Although it was bittersweet, it was made a little easier once we decided on childcare. As a nurse, I work 3 - 12 hour shifts which means the kiddos only go to daycare 2 days a week. After a lot of research and prayers, we decided on Tutor Time and have been thoroughly happy with our decision.

October 2013 - My parents flew in for a quick visit and birthday celebrations for one of my nephews. The kiddos dressed up as Lucy Van Pelt and Charlie Brown. Miss S experienced trick or treating for the first time.
November 2013 - I finished my second masters class. Only 7 more to go...but that will wait for now as I enjoy a little more sanity.
December 2013 - We started the month with Mr. C's baptism. I'll have to tell the story of the pastor who baptized him (and Miss S, and my husband...) in another post. It's goosebump-inducing. I started this blog...and you can read the rest of the happenings here, here, here, and here! A Christmas Recap is still to come...
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